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476Roadford operational and environmental study : interim report. Volume 1 : main report
477Report on the By Brook low flow investigations : October 2001 : volume 1 : report
478Water resources in Anglia : summary document : a sustainable strategy for secure water supplies and a better environment
479Quality audit of biological samples for the 1990 river quality survey
480Habitat improvement manual : interim report
481Pollution incidents report - 1998 : Midlands Region
482Wave attenuation over saltmarsh surfaces August 1994
483River quality : October 1992 - September 1993
484Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Southern Region
485Environmental snapshot for the East of England [1999]
486Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
487Setting up a hydraulic model of the Thurne Broads
488Ravenglass Harbour : microbiological survey April 1991
489River Calder RHS evaluation : final report
490South Cumbria : action plan : December 1997
491A report on the 1992 strategic stock assessment survey of the upper Eden catchment with particular reference to salmonids
492The Esk catchment (river factfiles)
493Rivers Nidd and Whafe : fact file
494Rivers Nidd and Wharfe catchment management plan : consultation report
495Biological study of Upper Tamar Lake 1997 : final report
4961996 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
497Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : impact assessment of effluent discharges on receiving waters
498River Deben augmentation feasibility study for iron removal : interim report
499Summary document to assist public consultation on proposals for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from British Nuclear Fuels Ltd, Sellafield
500Technical review of the post-closure safety case for the Drigg low-level radioactive waste disposal site : PCSC development programme review plan and instructions for reviewers : guidance note 1, December 1997