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801Fishery byelaws 1992
802A monitoring methodology for wetlands
803River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : second annual review : July 1996 - July 1997
804Summary of monitoring activities on the blackwater estuary
805An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1992
806Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
807A report on a baseline survey of the subtidal benthic communities within Portland Harbour (January 1997)
808Devon area internal report - the kingsbridge estuary - survey of the benthic microinvertebrate infauna (october 1990) for the proposed classification of estuaries in the south western region
809Redd count report 1993
810Anglian region shoreline monitoring data catalogue
811East Devon public water supply strategy : preliminary assessment of epilithic algae summer and autumn 1992 - lower River Axe and Bruckland Stream
812A survey of trace metals in biota of the Mersey estuary 1993
813An investigation to determine the source of high levels of gamma-HCH in the Newlyn River during summer 1989
814Linking hydrology and ecology : River Wissey : Annex B aquatic macrophytes of the River Wissey
815The impact of industrial discharges on metal levels in biota of the West Cumbrian coast - 1990
816Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix Anglian region
817Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix South West region
818Post drought soil water recharge : a study of the processes of recharge
819Recreational waterway byelaws in the Anglian region
820Continuous water quality monitoring results for the Carnon river
821Environmental monitoring of the Fal Estuary to support the Fal Swan study : final draft report
822Heavy metal contaminants in fish caught from the Mersey Estuary and inshore Liverpool Bay
823Red River (R23A003) EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1994 : May 1996. COR/96/004
824Pilot environmental audit : NRA Darlington district office : Northumbria and Yorkshire region
825Anglian region state of the environment report : the IPC perspective