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151River Seaton catchment river water quality classification 1990
152The introduction of an effective market testing programme for the flood defence function of the National Rivers Authority in the North West Region : certificate in management
153River Glen : river channel assessment : executive summary
154Suffolk estuarine strategies : Alde and Ore estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
155The Aire catchment (river factfiles)
156Regional environmental protection directory : Southern region
157Guarding Yorkshire's water environment
158Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London basin : April 2000
159River Tamar marine index river : summary report of trapping of adult migratory salmonids at Gunnislake during 2003 season
160Wheal Jane : a clear improvement
161National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 7 : Lands End to the Severn Estuary
162Protecting the Kenwith Valley, Bideford
163Water resources for the future : a strategy for the East Midlands
164Regional fishing guide : a guide to day ticket waters in the Midlands
165Little Avon catchment water quality plan
166Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from British Nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : supporting information
167Identification of pollution incidents potentially affecting routine monitoring sites 1991-1992 : draft report
168Variability of effluent quality of activated sludge treatment plants in Avon and Dorset
169Conservation : North West
170West Midlands Stour consultation report summary : March 1998
171River water quality 1991 classification by determinand : environmental protection internal report
172Waste : strategic waste management survey : landfill within the East Midlands planning region
173The water quality of the tidal Thames
174Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
175River Teign : action plan : January 1998