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5026Upper Thames Catchment Management Plan Consultation Report July 1994
5027Environment Agency Southern region : May floods 2000 performance review
5028Coastal wildlife survey
5029Lincolnshire shoreline management plan : Vol I - Core report
5030Lincolnshire shoreline management plan : Vol III - Supporting document
5031Planning for the rising tides : the Humber estuary shoreline management plan. Summary of proposals
5032Protecting the Lincolnshire Wash coast
5033The Rivers Test and Itchen : salmon management plan : a consultation document
5034Kentish Stour area LEAP : environmental overview May 1999
5035Kentish Stour local Environment Agency plan : March 2000
5036Deveoplment of a Framework for Assessing the Suitability of Controlled Landfills to Accept Disposal of Solid Low-Level Radioactive Waste: Principles Document
5037Procedure for quality assurance for RIVPACS compatible macro-invertebrate samples analysed to the taxonomic level needed for the BMWP-score system
5038Middle Severn : action plan - November 1997
5039The Environment Agency's risk portfolio : version 1.0 preliminary draft for comment December 1999
5040Norfolk and Suffolk Area Environment Group second annual report April 98 - March 99
5041Introducing environmental risk assessment
5042Health effects of sea bathing phase 1 - pilot studies at langland bay 1989
5043Metal contamination of sediments an statutory quality objectives
5044Further surveys to elucidate the distribution of the fine-lined pea mussel Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918
5045Contaminated land and the water environment : report of the National Rivers Authority
5046Discharge consents and compliance : the NRA's approach to control of discharges to water
5047Diversion and entrapment of fish at water intakes and outfalls (Report 1)
5048Duties and powers of the Environment Agency
5049Land drainage and sea defence byelaws in Southern Region
5050NRA corporate plan 1995/96 : looking ahead to a better environment