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5101Water wise : a water saving guide for NRA offices
5102Business strategy : final Aug 1998
5103Flood defence (NRA Severn-Trent 59)
5104Scoping guidance for the environmental assessment of projects
5105A study of the mayfly parasite Spiriopsis adipophila, Arvy and Peters (1972) (=Sprininella adipophila, Arvy and Delage 1966) in Ephemera danica from the River Pang, a tributary of the River Thames
5106Oxford structures fisheries survey 1992
5107Riparian and instream species-habitat relationships (291/3/W)
5108The physical character of rivers and streams in the UK and Isle of Man
5109Serratella ignita
5110A wetland framework for impact assessment at statutory sites in England and Wales
5111River catchment management plans : marsh dykes ecology survey : appraisal report
5112The drought of 1988-1992 in Anglia : a review
5113An assessment of water quality an Nansmellyn Marsh
5114Life in rivers
5115An Analytical And Descriptive Model Of Sustainable Development
5116Biogeochemical Controls on Phosphorus Cycling Between Sediment and Water in Estuaries
5117Definition of the Extent and Vertical Range of Saltmarsh
5118Sea Trout Investigations Phase 1 Final Report
5119Development of an Estuarine Classification Scheme for the Water Framework Directive
5120Development of Hydromorphical Reference Conditions and Draft Classification Scheme for Transitional and coastal Waters -Work packages 1-4
5121Disposal of Cut Vegetation: Best Practice Guidelines
5122Fish Pass Design for Eel and Elver
5123LEAPS : Local Environment Agency Plans
5124Impacts of Nutrients in Estuaries - Phase 2
5125Impacted of Stocked Rainbow Trout on Resident Salmonid Populations Phase 1, Scoping Study