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5251Aquatic pesticide pollution incidents in England and Wales 1992-1994
5252Field validation of algal toxin test kit : final draft report. Appendices - Interim reports (349/8/A)
5253River Habitat Quality the physical character of rivers and streams in the UK and Isle of Man
5254Assessment of snow cover change : interim report (207/8/N)
5255Influences of cloud cover on utility of NOAA/AVHRR imagery for snow cover monitoring over England and Wales : interim report (207/2/N)
5256Code of practice for handling data : a discussion document (PRS 2274-M)
5257Hydroacoustic methods of fish surveys. Vol.1
5258River Thames (Benson to Hurley) Pang and Wye catchment review (draft)
5259Algal growth in the impounded waters of a proposed barrage at Cardiff Bay : prediction using 1989 data
5260Effectiveness of eutrophication control by phosphorus reduction: development of the INCA-P model
5261Evaluation of Frontiers and local radar rainfall forecasts for use in flood forecasting models (298/1/T) : interim report
5262Investigation of flow distribution in a fracture zone at the Stripa mine, using the radar method, results and interpretation
5263Risk assessment for sea and tidal defence schemes
5264Alternative dairy farming systems to reduce pollution impact of nutrients : phosphorus (P2/575/1)
5265Investigation of partitioning of contaminants between water and sediment
5266Thurne Broads model using 1993 data
5267Codes of practice for data handling. Version 1 (239/6/ST) : draft final report
5268Collection and Analysis of Environmental Stresses Influencing Biological GQA Data in 2000
5269Comparison of extraction techniques for sediment and biota matrices
5270Biodiversity - Key Resources Inventory
5271Computer Security Review - (Southern Region) Internal Audit Report
5272Assessment information management system (AIMS) database user guide
5273Ely catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : 1995
5274Eurwg catchment management plan : phase 1 : Statement of Catchment Uses and Problems Identification
5275Distribution and habitat occurrence of water shrews in Great Britain