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5301River nar eutrophication study aquatic macrophyte survey
5302The Management of blue-green algal blooms in South-East Australia : a report on the visit to Australia by MJ Pearson and AJD Ferguson in January/February 1993
5303Pilot environmental audit : NRA Leigh, Tonbridge, district office : southern region
5304Flood directory East Sussex Local Authority area
5305Sea Empress Cost-Benefit Project: Final Report
5306Masonry bunds for oil storage tanks
5307Sea Empress oil spill, February 1996 : overview of surveillance activities : draft
5308Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period August 1992 - October 1992
5309Review of water quality instrumentation : April 1995
5310Acid waters in Wales : appraisal of strategic options : draft report
5311Analytical Methods for Cationic Polyacrylamides at Levels of Environmental Significance
5312Assessment of low flow conditions. Phase 2 (237/2/T) : evaluation of methodology : draft final R and D Note
5313Assessment of the feasibility of using image analysis in the oyster embryo-larval development and daphnia magna growth tests
5314Audit report on the 1995 GQA biological survey
5315Catchment management planning : April 1991
5316Classification of river water quality : version 1.0, 29 April 1992
5317Contaminated land remediation : innovative treatment methods, design, assessment and validation
5318Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 2: Typology Rewiew
5319Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
5320Environment Agency Available Resource Methodology Assessments in Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy Trial Areas Second Draft Report
5321Environment Agency User Manual for Available Resource Methodology (ARM) Spreadsheets
5322Final report of the Stock Assessment Task Group
5323Flood defence levels of service : stage 2 annex C (Note 127) : flood events
5324Foot and Mouth Disease Epidemic. Disposal of culled stock by burial : guidance and reference data for the protection of controlled waters
5325Salmon Migration and River Flow - Results of Salmon Radio Tracking Studies on Six Rivers in South West England: Technical Summary