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4126What Matters And Why: Environmental Capital: A New Approach
4127Wise use of resources
4128Wiser, sustainable use of natural resources : a framework for change : July 2001
4129National Rivers Authority paper specification study : report summay
4130Restored, protected land with healthier soils : a framework for change
4131Bank erosion on navigable waterways Draft R and D Note (336/2/T)
4132Data Transmission Requirements For Self Monitoring
4133Environmental assessment by external developers and organisations (Phase II) (351/7/T)
4134Environmental assessment by external developers and organisations (Phase II) : recommendations (Note 351/8/T)
4135Environmental Impact Of Run-Of-River Hydropower Schemes In Upland Rivers
4136Use of Pesticides at two Watercress Farms in Hampshire : A report into the use of
4137Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater - NRA leaflet
4138A study of benthic macroinvertebrate communities of fifteen Norfolk Broads during summer 1990
4139Preliminary assessment of the ability of Restormel fish counter to enumerate the passage of migratory salmonids on the River Fowey : Cornwall Area Fisheries Science Team
4140River Management Guidelines (Operational Activities) Phase 1 - Scoping Study
4141Herbarium Image: Callitriche hamulata
4142Review of NRA regional emergency procedures - draft report - (continuation)
4143Reciprocal licensing arrangement for boaters
4145Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 11
4146Loch Eillan
4147Loch Tummel
4148Battling the tide : flood defences in the Anglian region
4149Flood protection at Felixstowe
4150Discharge monitoring in the Kennet catchment. Part 2 : ecological effects of fish farm discharges