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4451Eden DTC Invertebrate Data
4452Eden DTC Macrophyte Data
4453Eden DTC Diatom Data
4454Total nitrogen and total phosphorus laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon consortium
4455Nitrous oxide laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
4456Quality assurance and quality control protocols adopted by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
4457Ammonium laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
4458Phosphate laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
4459Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Brixton Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4460Data from laboratory analysis for Burracott site, Neet catchment
4461Data from laboratory analysis for Ebble downstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4462Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Caudworthy Water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
4463Data from laboratory analysis at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4464Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4465Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Priors Farm, Hampshire Avon catchment
4466Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Winnacott Bridge at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
4467Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Kingston Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4468Newby Control Sub_Catchment Turbidity QC File
4469Newby Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Discharge
4470Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment Discharge
4471Pow Outlet Discharge Data
4472Newby Beck Catchment Outlet Flow
4473Thackthwaite Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Turbidity
4474Pow Beck Control Sub-Catchment Turbidity
4475Pow Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Discharge