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4601The Impact Of Discarded Fishing Line And Tackle On Mute Swans - Phase 1
4602Monitoring of freshwaters for E.C. dangerous substances list 1 and list 2, 1990
4603Zinc in estuaries (Note 390)
4604A report on the investigation of the Taff litter problem
4605A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : minerals industry processes
4606Aquatic Litter Information System - Using Digital Technologies
4607Attenuation of nitrate in the sub-surface environment
4608Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment
4609Guidance Manual for Constructed Wetlands
4610Inferences on the pollution status of the Thames estuary from the macrobenthic community structure : National Rivers Authority Thames Region, Biology, Thames Estuary Benthic Programme
4611Oestrogenic endocrine disruption in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) from United Kingdom estuarine and marine waters
4612Remote sensing and baseline monitoring of the coastal waters of England and Wales 1992-1993 : a survey report [external version]
4613Urban Environment Research Theme Management
4614An investigation into high concentrations of atrazine in surface waters and the increase in maize production in the Otter valley
4615Disease and contaminants in marine mammals
4616Manual for the use of herbicides in or near water : April 1993 : final draft report
4617The behaviour of atrazine and simazine within the chalk aquifer : experimental results and interpretation
4618Water plants : their function and management
4619Review of Sea Trout Fecundity
4620A review of available information sources for assessing the hazards and risks of chemical substances in the environment. Final report : recommendations for the acquistion of certain sources of environmental data
4621A unified information system to satisfy the NRA's requirement for ecotoxicology information: the specification study
4622Algal Monitoring Report 1999. Report summarising freshwater (cyanobacterial) and marine microalgal monitoring during 1999
4623Algal Monitoring Report 2000. Report summarising freshwater (cyanobacterial) and marine microalgal monitoring during 2000
4624Direct toxicity assessment : a step towards better environmental protection within the UK : business strategy
4625Road transport and the environment