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4701A litter assessment of two major tributaries of the Taff, the Cynon and the Rhondda : surveyed March - April 1990
4702Flood directory East Sussex Local Authority area
4703Masonry bunds for oil storage tanks
4704Alt Crossens action plan : October 1996
4705Analytical Methods for Cationic Polyacrylamides at Levels of Environmental Significance
4706Audit report on the 1995 GQA biological survey
4707Contaminated land remediation : innovative treatment methods, design, assessment and validation
4708Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
4709Final report of the Stock Assessment Task Group
4710Flood defence levels of service : stage 2 annex C (Note 127) : flood events
4711Salmon Migration and River Flow - Results of Salmon Radio Tracking Studies on Six Rivers in South West England: Technical Summary
4712Environmental quality standards to protect identified uses of controlled waters
4713Herbarium Image: Luzula pilosa
4714Herbarium Image: Tofieldia pusilla
4715Herbarium Image: Luzula spicata
4716Herbarium Image: Tofieldia pusilla
4717Herbarium Image: Carex bigelowii
4718Herbarium Image: Carex arenaria
4719Herbarium Image: Elodea sp.
4720Herbarium Image: Carex aquatilis
4721Herbarium Image: Persicaria amphibia
4722Herbarium Image: Persicaria amphibia
4723Herbarium Image: Persicaria hydropiper
4724Herbarium Image: Eleocharis palustris
4725Herbarium Image: Persicaria amphibia