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4751Streetley Chemicals/ Redland Bricks
4752Buffer zones for conservation of rivers and bankside habitats : draft final report
4753Time of travel study on the River Wandle under two different flow conditions
4754Contaminants entering the sea : a report on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales 1990-1993
47551994 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
4756Chlorohyll and Phosphorus Classifications for UK Lakes
4757Investigating the feasibility of using neural networks to derive chlorophyll a prediction algorithms for case 2 waters
4758Herbarium Image: Phalaris arundinacea
4759Herbarium Image: Orobanche elatior
4760Hampshire salmon seminar 5th October 1993
4761Investigation of existing conservation interests and potential furtherance opportunities
4762NRA regional, area and catchment boundaries
4763Sediment input from coastal cliff erosion : interim report (literature review)
4764Code of practice - marine activities : part I : sea-going vessels
4765Code of practice - marine activities : part II : boats - type II-V
4766Herbarium Image: Callitriche obtusangula
4767A brief history of the River Stour navigation : 1705 to the present day
4768Harbour of Rye
4769Herbarium Image: Ludwigia palustris
4770Narrowboats on the Thames : useful hints and tips
4771NRA navigation strategy
4772Herbarium Image: Potamogeton alpinus
4773Eel and elver studies in the Severn : interim report (256/6/ST)
4774The Investigation and Specification of Flow Measurement Structure Design Features that Aid the Migration of Fish
4775Upper Nene structures : Elton : detailed appraisal report