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101Hydroacoustic methods of fish surveys. Vol.1
102River Thames (Benson to Hurley) Pang and Wye catchment review (draft)
103Evaluation of Frontiers and local radar rainfall forecasts for use in flood forecasting models (298/1/T) : interim report
104Recreation and amenity surveys of identified low flow rivers. Part 1 : survey report
105Coastal baseline survey 1990-93. Part 1 : nutrients
106Pitsea Creek
107River Roding fact file
108Time of travel study on the River Wandle under two different flow conditions
109A simple key to canal water quality using a biological technique
110Narrowboats on the Thames : useful hints and tips
111Locks and weirs on the river Thames : how do they work?
112Levels of service for urban and rural flood defence
113Meiofaunal assemblages of the Thames Estuary, April 1989-March 1990 : modules I-III : a study of the meiofaunal communities present in sediment samples collected by the National Rivers Authority, Thames Region
114River Bourne system fisheries survey 1989-1990
115Protecting your future : tackling flooding in the Thames Estuary through the 21st century
116Graphical representation of certain metals and organics concentrations versus flow rates for some of the rivers in Districts 3 and 6
117Comparison of load estimation from grab an flow-proportioning samples
118NRA research and development programme topic B2 : flow regimes : project B2.2 : low flow conditions
119Survey of the biological quality of creek systems in the outer Thames Estuary, with special reference to the impact of STW and landfill site discharges
120Lower Thames fact file : from Hurley to Teddington
121Area business plan 1995/96 : NRA Thames Region North East area
122Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme - water quality proof : public enquiry September 1992
123Flood defence and land drainage : a guide for people living near rivers and streams, including land drainage byelaws
124Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme - National Association of Flood Defence chairmen visit to the project site on 1 May 1991
125Blackwater River catchment management plan : draft action plan