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2826A comparative assessment of trickle and spray irrigation
2827A Comparison Of Breeding Bird Numbers Along Canals With And Without A Close Season For Fishing
2828A demonstration of the use of a framework for the ecological risk assessment of land contamination
2829Bathing water quality survey 1995
2830Benefit Assessment of Water Quality Improvements - Additional Information
2831Best Available Techniques For The Control Of Pollution In Petrochemical And Large Volume Organic Chemical Processes
2832A review of models and methods for ecological risk assessment
2833Calibration of Gauging Stations Using Portable Ultrasonics
2834Catchment management planning : 5 year programme and timetable 1995/96
2835A Review Of The Treatment Of Criticality In Post-Closure Safety Assessment Of Radioactive Waste Disposal
2836Climate Change, Navigation and Recreation
2837Co-operation and Standards for Life Cycle Assessment Data in Europe
2838Coarse Fish Migration, Occurrence, Causes and Implications
2839A sustainable coastline : Steart and Stolford
2840Colour Standards for Watercourses Volume 3 Questionnaire returns
2841Comparative environmental appraisal of strategic options: main report
2842Conservation : annual report 1991/92
2843Conservation access recreation annual report 1994-95
2844An approach to hydrogeological assessment of Quaternary deposits in the UK: Part 1 Background
2845Constructed Wetlands and Links with Sustainable Drainage Systems
2846Construction Risk in Coastal Engineering: Phase 2
2847Continuous estimation of river flows
2848An Independent Review of the Defra/EA Research and Development Joint
2849Defining angler opportunity: phase 2 report
2850Derivation of discharges used for fish movement at Conwy Falls (project no. N0289)