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3626Herbarium Image: Lobelia dortmanna
3627Herbarium Image: Lobelia dortmanna
3628Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1997 : report summary
3629Dartmouth flood plan : public information leaflet
3630River Lim catchment river water quality classification 1991
3631River Plym catchment river water quality classification 1991
3632South Essex catchment management plan : consultation report summary
3633List II metals : evaluation of standards using field data
3634Quantification of the relationship between effluent quality and biological quality : interim report for stage 1
3635Accumulation and dispersal of suspended solids in watercourses
3636The environment and water resources projects. Volume 1 guidelines for the scoping and environmental assessment of water resources projects
3637Revenue budget 1992/93 : summary
3638Herbarium Image: Juncus bulbosus
36391993/94 corporate plan and forward look to 1996/97
3640The faunal richness of headwater streams. Stage 3 : impact of agricultural activities. Volume 2 : appendices (Note 392)
3641Economics of water resource management : draft final report. September 1992. Vol 2 : Technical report
36421995 environmental report : NRA internal environmental policy
3643MCERTS for continuous water monitoring equipment (leaflet)
3644Review of comments on the Environment Agency's consultative report Endocrine disrupting substances in the environment - what should be done?
3645Discharge control and monitoring by biological techniques
3646River Stour catchment management plan : annual review
3647River Gannel catchment river water quality classification 1990
3648Irish Sea nutrients survey
3649Herbarium Image: Trillium grandiflorum
3650Herbarium Image: Potamogeton gramineus