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4101Essex Area Environment Group second annual report April 98 - March 99
4102Blyth Estuary Strategy : preferred option consultation, September 2005
4103Essex estuaries flood management strategies
4104Burnham-on-Sea, Brean and Highbridge flood plan
4105Bacteriological monitoring of freshwater rivers in the Thames Region 1995
4106Accretion profiling during 1997
4107Answers to your questions...
4108River Erewash catchment management plan : first annual review 1996
4109Brue and Axe, third annual review : February 2002
4110Cheshire stillwaters : summary results 1999 : Oak Mere, Betley Mere, Petty Pool, Tabley Mere, Norbury Mere, Combermere (2000)
4111Flood defence fact file (2/9)
4112Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : white-clawed crayfish Austropotambius pallipes in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
4113National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre business plan : 1999-2000 and beyond
41142000 GQA Biology survey project record
4115Creating a greenprint for London : An invitation to work with the Environment Agency towards a first-class environment for a world-class city
4116A guide to rod fishing byelaws : Midlands region (September 2001)
4117Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Anglian region
4118Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
4119Crantock EC bathing beach additional monitoring data report : final report
4120Investigation into the 1999 failure of the European Community bathing waters directive at Beer beach (2001)
4121Buckingham flood defence improvements : presentation of the preferred option
4122A change to your licence and the environment : key facts about Anglian region
4123A study of the use of Glycol-based de-icers at RAF Lyneham and their impact on local watercourses during the winter of 1999/2000
4124Thinking about an irrigation reservoir? : a guide to planning, designing, constructing and commissioning a water storage reservoir
4125A flood of memories : recollections of the 1947 floods in East Anglia