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4151National Centre for Ecotoxicology and Hazardous Substances : annual report April 1998 - March 1999
4152Hampshire and isle of wight area directory booklet
4153Fish found in the tidal Thames
4154Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : first annual review
4155Investigation into the probable cause of the 1999 failure of the EC bathing waters directive at Seaton (Devon) beach (70210103) (2000)
4156East Hayling sea defence scheme
4157Eastern Rother LEAP : consultation draft : December 1999
4158Glossary [of environmental terms]
4159Creating a better Thames : our five year plan 2006-2011
4160Freshwater Tamar and tributaries : consultation draft
4161Emergency arrangements
4162Investigation into failures of the River Dalch from Canns Mill Bridge to below Lapford sewage treatment works (2001)
4163Irwell Catchment Management First Annual review February 1997
4164Porthluney (Caerhays) bathing water failures : final draft report - April 2000 - COR/2000/1
4165Land drainage and sea defence byelaws
4166Ely Ouse LEAP : first annual review : December 2000
4167Impact of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its associated crayfishery on the River Thame
4168Enhancing the environment : 25 case studies from Thames Region
4169Stock assessment review on the River Dart
4170Extreme sea levels for section 105 surveys : final report
4171Humber estuary : state of the environment 1998
4172Dorset Stour : consultation report
4173Fish Guide 1997/98 A Guide to day ticket fisheries in the Midlands
4174Kent area directory
4175Flood warning information for East Hertfordshire : Middle River Lee catchment