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1926An investigation into the bacteriological levels in the River Seaton
1927Investigation Of The Criteria For, And Guidance On, The Landspreading Of Industrial Wastes (Cwm 174/98)
1928The Environment Agency's response to the House of Commons Environment Committee report on the environmental impact of cement manufacture
1929River Otter : environmental data review. Volume 1 : summary : River Otter environmental study 1993/94
1930FBA Annual Scientific Meeting student presentation
1931Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive monitoring of designated and candidate sensitive areas (eutrophic) : macrophyte survey results 1994 : preliminary assessment
1932Severn Estuary : draft issues report
1934River Wear at Durham : section 105 - C30/92 surveys
1935FBA Annual General Meeting opening
1936Hydrometric report and catalogue 1996
1937Metalliferous mines database
1938North West region : sustainable urban drainage systems case studies in central area
1939Water resource planning : strategic options : preliminary report : May 1991
1940River Darent low flow alleviation. Annex 1 : Darent catchment investigation
1941Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period February 1992 - April 1992
1942Modelling of algal blooms - third interim report
1943Chrysidiastrum catenatum
1944Priority and other specific polluting substances and the Water Framework Directive
1945Herbarium Image: Hypericum elodes
1946Lower Lee catchment plan : consultation report : March 1995
1947Investigation to determine the cause of the long-term BOD failure at Higher Weaver routine monitoring site (70532960) for 1995 and 1997
1949Crepidostomum farionis,
1950Coombe Valley Stream RE non-compliance (BOD) wet weather sampling : final report