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6151Herbarium Image: Veronica scutellata
6152Herbarium Image: Veronica filiformis
6153Herbarium Image: Veronica anagallis-aquatica
6154Herbarium Image: Zannichellia palustris
6155Land use practices and pathways of pesticide residues in the Mount's Bay catchment, Cornwall
6156A macroinvertebrate survey of the Releath stream and associated tributaries within the vicinity of Trevethan Farm : final draft report - Water Quality section, Cornwall area
6157Achieving positive gains from watercourses in new development
6158An investigation into the bathing water quality at Porthallow
6159An investigation of the water quality in three Plymouth catchment streams
6160River stretch quality : part 1 : river stretch reference information
6161Determining The Freshwater Flow Needs Of Estuaries
6162Hartsbourne Stream : proposed flood alleviation scheme
6163Lands End streams river water quality classification 1990
6164Lizard Peninsular streams and Helford River catchment river water quality classification 1990
6165Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
6166National Rivers Authority (Thames Region) : Bridge Mill, Wheathampstead, survey and analysis of culverts
6167South Cornwall coastal streams : catchment action plan
6168The Status of Headwater Stream Fish Populations and their Tolerance to Low-Level Habitat Degradation
6169The Trophic Diatom Index: A User's Manual;
6170Transport velocities in Lincoln division : streams I report
6171Transport velocities in Lincoln division streams : II diagrams
6172West and Mid Cornwall review
6173An investigation into the water quality of a treated effluent from Hambleton Dairy, Todber, Dorset
6174Great Brook fisheries survey
6175Schedule of main rivers (Midlands) booklet