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101Land drainage and sea defence byelaws in Southern Region
102Quality of Bathing Waters in Hampshire, Sussex, Kent and the Isle of Wight : 1993 Bathing Season : NRA Report DL/bw4/94
103Conservation and recreation report 1995/96
104Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
105Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
106The use of fertilizer-free buffer strips to protect dyke flora from nitrate pollution on Walland Marsh S.S.S.I
107Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide residues in European eels anguilla anguilla L. from Sussex rivers - appendices : draft : part II
108A brief guide to the medway
109Quarterly review : Southern region 1993/94
110Southern region local contribution 2006/11 : improving the environment in the southern region
111Sussex by the sea
112The source : a guide to NRA services
113What's happening in Southern region
114Quarterly Review : April - December 1991 NRA Southern Region
115Quarterly Review : April - June 1991 NRA Southern Region
116Quarterly review : Southern region 1992/93 Apr - Dec 1992
117Flood directory East Sussex Local Authority area
118River Medway : a user's guide
119Quality in Corporate Planning 1993
120East Solent Shoreline Management Plan Volume I
121Guide to the Medway navigation 1994
122Harbour of Rye
123Medway LEAP : consultation draft - January 1999
124Medway catchment abstraction management strategy : final strategy April 2005
125The beaches are on the move! : longshore drift information sheet