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226Water for Welsh region: a strategy for sustainable water resources management (bilingual): Dwr i ranbarth Cymru: strategaeth ar gyfer rheoli adnoddau dwr cynaliadwy
227Water Quality R and D - Awareness and Implementation
228Water resources for the future : a strategy for the East Midlands
229Programming and prioritisation of river work. Part 1 : strategy and experience
230Yorkshire Derwent catchment flood management plan, March 2007
231Avon and Erme : second annual review
232Burton, Nuneaton and Tamworth LEAP consultation draft
233Derwent and Cumbria coast catchment management plan : action plan : September 1995
234Direct services
235Direct Works : business plan 2000/2001
236Whitland flood alleviation scheme (bilingual) : Cynllun amddiffyn rhag llifogydd yn Hendy-Gwyn
237Managing waste from healthcare activities : working towards best practice
238The Redgrave and Lopham Fens alleviation scheme : impact of options study : report to NRA Anglian Region
239National R and D and operational investigation. Project resumes : Anglian Regiona PAB (April 1994)
240Wessex Region Plan Summary 1991/1992
241Saltmarsh management for flood defences : framework report : issue 2
242Water company plans to safeguard 1997 summer water supplies : Environment Agency report to the Secretary of State for the Environment : fifth report in a series
243Non-aggregate marine materials for beach recharge - stage 1 (note 57)
244Suffolk estuarine strategies : Deben estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
245Cuckmere and Pevensey Levels LEAP : consultation draft
246Louth coastal action plan 1998
247Welmore Lake sluice reconstruction
248The Environment Agency's risk portfolio. Version 3.0 Final Report
249River Kennet catchment management plan : annual review 1994/95 : June 1995
250The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : annual report April 1998 - April 1999