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901Candidate substances requiring Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)
902Ecological quality of water European technical workshop : 10 and 11 May 1995, Brussels. Report of discussions, findings and recommendations
903Environmental quality standards to protect identified uses of controlled waters - fisheries uses
904Pesticides in major aquifers (Report 17)
905River water quality in the Midlands 1997
906River water quality in the Midlands 1998
907Fish health indices as a marker of surface water quality (229/2/A)
908River Teme catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
909Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme-water quality study : final report
910Newby Beck Outlet monthly grab samples
911Thackthwaite Beck Outlet monthly grab samples
912Newby Control Sub_Catchment Turbidity QC File
913Thackthwaite Beck Control Sub-Catchment Monthly Grab Samples
914Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment Turbidity
915Thackthwaite Beck Control Sub-Catchment Turbidity
916The River Arun catchment management plan : action plan
917Lincolnshire shoreline management plan : Vol III - Supporting document
918Kentish Stour area LEAP : environmental overview May 1999
919Kentish Stour local Environment Agency plan : March 2000
920Local environment agency plan : Mersey/ Bollin : Draft action plan 1999
921Louth coastal : consultation report
922Lower Mersey action plan : October 1997
923The Mersey Estuary 1992 surveys : summary of results
924Procedure for quality assurance for RIVPACS compatible macro-invertebrate samples analysed to the taxonomic level needed for the BMWP-score system
925Lower Mersey LEAP annual review : September 2001