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976River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : second annual review : July 1996 - July 1997
977An assessment of water quality an Nansmellyn Marsh
978Biogeochemical Controls on Phosphorus Cycling Between Sediment and Water in Estuaries
979Development of an Estuarine Classification Scheme for the Water Framework Directive
980Development of Hydromorphical Reference Conditions and Draft Classification Scheme for Transitional and coastal Waters -Work packages 1-4
981Impacts of Nutrients in Estuaries - Phase 2
982The Distribution of Phytoplankton and Nutrients in the North East Irish Sea During 1998
983Summary of monitoring activities on the blackwater estuary
984Nutrient export modelling on the River Bure, Norfolk : progress report 2 : June-July 1995
985Idle and Torne consultation plan - November 1999
986An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 2000. Environment Agency : AQC audit : C00158/11
987An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 2000. Environment Agency : primary audit : C00158/10
988An audit of performance in the AQC inspection of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2001 : Environment Agency CEH Report Ref: COO 15 8/24
989An audit of performance in the AQC inspection of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2002 : The Environment Agency (C00158/31)
990An audit of performance in the primary analysis of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2001 : Environment Agency CEH Report Ref: COO 158/23
991An audit of performance in the primary analysis of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2002 : The Environment Agency (CEH Report Ref: C00158/31)
992An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1992
993Assessment of river Phosphorus and Nitrogen from macroinvertebrate data using artificial intelligence techniques : technical report
994Biological assessment of the effects of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works on the River Erme
995Development of the Acid Water Indicator Community (AWIC) Macroinvertebrate Family and Species Level
996Killiow Stream pollution biological impact assessment
997Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
998Physical environment for river invertebrate communities
999Teign estuary post scheme appraisal report of 1991 surveys : final draft report
1000Analysis of 1995 Survey Data: Phase 2 Post-Survey Appraisal. Unit II: Changes in Biological Condition