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1026Compact airborne spectrographic imager : CASI
1027Coastal baseline survey January/February 1995 : results
1029National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 10 : Bardsey Sound to Great Orme
1030Validation of statutory sampling sites using aerial surveillance : case study 4
1031River Tees : fact file
1032Hiz, Oughton and Purwell environmental appraisal. Vol 1 appendices
1033Hiz, Oughton and Purwell environmental appraisal. Vol 3 appendices
1034Tees Estuary - present and future
1035An assessment of a numerical representation of biological water quality
1036Code of practice for handling data : a discussion document (PRS 2274-M)
1037Pollution incidents report - 1998 : Lower Trent area, annex 4
1038Phosphate in the cut-off channel
1039The Lambourn catchment modelling work
1040Collection and Analysis of Environmental Stresses Influencing Biological GQA Data in 2000
1041Comparison of extraction techniques for sediment and biota matrices
1042Grimsby catchment management plan : action plan : September 1995
1043Lower Witham catchment management plan : action plan : January 1996
1044River Avon : catchment action plan
1045River Dart : catchment action plan
1046River Looe : catchment action plan
1047River Lynher : catchment action plan
1048River Nene waterway plan
1049Assessment of low flow conditions : phase 1 - proposed methodology. Final report
1050Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Main Report