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1076River Cober catchment river water quality classification 1990
1077Developing Quality Assurance for Fish Counter Data - Phase 1: An Assessment of the Salmonid Fish Counter Network in England and Wales
1078Quality assurance for phytoplankton data
1079STREAM thematic network : standards, measurement, testing and research in environmental instrumentation and monitoring
1080Evaluation of a YSI-6000 submersible water quality monitor
1081Evaluation of an ELE/pHOX sub-logger submersible water quality monitor
1082European collaboration to develop standard sediment toxicity test methods (396/4/T) : interim report
1083A review of the quality and status of the Suffolk and Essex estuaries and coastal waters : volume 1 : final draft
1084An investigation into the effect of Farnham STW on the River Wey
1085An investigation into the effects of Alton sewage works on the River Wey North
1086An investigation of sewage on the beach at Porthcothan
1087Assessment of Ivybridge mobile monitoring station and investigation of the water quality of the River Erme and the effect of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment works final effluent
1088Investigation to assess the compliance of Trelavour Kilns discharge CP7 (SW 9479 5722) with consent conditions and to identify any impact upon water quality in the St Dennis Stream : final draft report
1089Pitsea Creek
1090River Roding fact file
1091The Test catchment southern : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
1092The Worcestershire Stour catchment : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
1093An assessment of river water quality in the River Kenn
1094River Hayle catchment river water quality classification 1990
1095River Hayle catchment river water quality classification 1991
1096The Natural (Baseline) Quality of Groundwaters in England and Wales - Magnesium Limestone of Yorkshire and Northumbria
1097A simple key to canal water quality using a biological technique
1098Investigations into the status of fisheries, biological and water quality in the River Pelenna catchment, prior to the treatment of discharges from abandoned coal mines : PL/EAW/95/3
10991994 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
1100Temporal variability in chlorophyll-a : concentrations in the coastal environment : final report