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3001River flow and rainfall statistics updated to 31st December 1992
3002River Tamar : catchment action plan (not Tavy and Lynher)
3003River Thames recreation strategy
3004River Usk barrage position statement, 6th February 1992
3005River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : main report part 2
3006Rivers Strat and Neet : catchment action plan
3007Saving water : on the right track : a summary of current water conservation initiatives in the UK January 1998
3008Scoping Study To Establish Issues On Coarse Fisheries
3009Sea trout in England and Wales
3010Sea trout literature review and bibliography
3011Seaburn sewer survey II, 23-24 Ocotber 1991
3012Shill Brook fisheries survey 1989
3013Short-term ecotoxicological method guidelines for effluent and receiving water assessment (draft)
3014South Crofty minewater study : final report
3015Southern Region Plan Summary 1991/1992
3016Strategic review of development and flood risk : the River Welland catchment
3017Strategic review of development and flood risk : the River Witham catchment
3018Suffolk estuarine strategies : River Deben : Strategy report : Volume 1 Main report
3019Survey of copper speciation in the Great Ouse estuary
3020Sussex area directory
3021Sustainable development indicators : monitoring change in the East Midlands
3022Sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) : a guide for developers (Bilingual) : Systemau draenio cynaliadwy (SDCau) : canllaw i ddatblygwyr
3023Sustainable water resources for the future : values and challenges : consultation document for the Environment Agency's water resources strategies
3024Swanbourne lake restoration scheme
3025Technical Support Materials for the Regulation of Radioactively Contaminated Land