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3401The effects of fishing at low water levels
34021967 - George and Gideon cutting mbati for the bedroom block.
34031966 IBP Team Training in a boat on Esthwaite Water
3404Diagnostic Drawing: Entophysalis,
34051967 - Building the bedroom block in the IBP compound at L. George
3406Herbarium Image: Apium inundatum
34071967 - Quackers launched onto Lake George.
3408An overview of the IBP compound when building was finished (generator located in disused house in front).
34091967 - Singh's men building the extension block in the IBP compound.
3410Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Bromine in Fresh and Marine Waters
34111967 - Quakers arriving on the shore of L.George.
3412Herbarium Image: Agrostis canina
3413Catchment management issues
3414Porth, Gluvian and Menalhyl catchment river water quality classification 1991
3415River Kennet Catchment Management Plan : Consultation Report
3416Dioxin Markers Feasibility Study
3417First annual review of the Taw/Torridge estuary catchment management plan (1996)
3418Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: NT26, Devon, 2004
3419Leicestershire waste minimisation initiative : progress report March 1997
3420River Axe Fish Study - Stage 2, Environmental Assessment for River Abstraction
3421National Rivers Authority corporate plan, 1990/91
3422Bewdley flood defences : the invisible defences
3423Herbarium Image: Chara vulgaris
3424Water Quality and Freshwater Flow in the Thames Tideway in Relation to Salmon Migration, with particular reference to the effects of low flow in 1990
3425St Agnes qualitative dye surveys 1995 data report : tidal water quality