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4126An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Report for the period April 2000 - March 2001
4127River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : annual review
4128EC directive compliance report
4129Fisheries byelaws : Anglian region
4130Axe and Lim : action plan
4131Bat box installation in Environment Agency gauging stations (Hampshire and Isle of Wight area)
4132Anglian Region Water Quality Report 1995
4133Cam Local Environment Agency Plan : statement of consultation responses
4134Eden and Solway Coast catchment management plan : consultation report : October 1995
4135Environment Digest - Issue 27 July 2003
4136Ouse Washes : summer flood control
4137Essex Area Environment Group second annual report April 98 - March 99
4138Blyth Estuary Strategy : preferred option consultation, September 2005
4139Essex estuaries flood management strategies
4140Bacteriological monitoring of freshwater rivers in the Thames Region 1995
4141Accretion profiling during 1997
4142Answers to your questions...
4143River Erewash catchment management plan : first annual review 1996
4144Cheshire stillwaters : summary results 1999 : Oak Mere, Betley Mere, Petty Pool, Tabley Mere, Norbury Mere, Combermere (2000)
4145Flood defence fact file (2/9)
4146Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : white-clawed crayfish Austropotambius pallipes in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
4147National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre business plan : 1999-2000 and beyond
41482000 GQA Biology survey project record
4149Creating a greenprint for London : An invitation to work with the Environment Agency towards a first-class environment for a world-class city
4150A guide to rod fishing byelaws : Midlands region (September 2001)