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1326Automatic identification and enumeration of Algae
1327Impact of watercress cultivation on river water quality- Progress report for the period January- December 1987
1328Historic overview of the sea trout collapse in the West of Ireland
1329Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment ISCO samples
1330Axe and Lim : annual review : March 2002
1331Modelling phytoplankton development in the proposed Cardiff Bay Barrage
1332Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment Monthly Grab Samples
1333Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Bedfordshire, 2011
1334Progress Report December 1981
1335The environmental requirements of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) during their upstream migration in the Northwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick. Draft.
1336River Frome F5 Spring 2008
1337River Frome F1 Spring 2008
1338River Piddle P4 Spring 2008
1339River Frome F2 Spring 2008
1340The Sea Trout Stock Collapse, 1989-1992
1341Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0116, Dumfries, 2011
1342Dead zones, live markers: the biological environments of larger U.K. Rivers
1343Soil moisture data: AC0111, Cambridgeshire, 2009
1344Irish Sea Trout
1345Soil moisture data: AC0116, Bedfordshire, 2011
1346The Possible effects on migratory fish in the River Dee of increased water abstraction
1347Diptera pupa
1348Effects of flow regime on the young stages of salmonid fishes- summary and conclusions based on results for 1981- 1985
1349Hams Hall Power Station. A survey of the flora and fauna of freshwater habitats in the environs of Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham
1350Alderfly larva