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3926Flood warning information for Berkshire, North East Hampshire and Surrey : River Loddon catchment
3928Downton flood defence scheme : Downton landowners information
3929Flood alleviation proposals for Bakewell and Ashford in the Water
3930An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. April 2001 - March 2002
3931An update on the Hexham flood alleviation scheme, Autumn 2006
3932Avon and Erme : third annual review
3933Associations of wintering waterfowl with freshwater on the mudflats of East Anglian estuaries
3934Fish, fisheries and the Water Framework Directive
3935Industry in Avonmouth a public guide to pollution management
3936A guide to good environmental practice : for trading estates, business parks and business clusters
3937Aylesbury flood alleviation scheme
3938Alleviation of low flow studies : the River Avon and its tributaries near Malmesbury : towards a solution
3939Calder catchment flood management plan : consultation summary document, April 2007
3940Population equivalent served by Exton South Sewage Treatment Works
3941Cathedral cities link
3942Pollution risk assessment remediation exercise : River Fowey catchment
3943Fal and St Austell : second annual review
3944Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : kingfisher Alcedo atthis in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
3945Dorset Stour : action plan
3946Tide tables 2001 : Cornwall area : Bude Haven, Padstow, St. Ives, Newlyn, Falmouth, Truro, Par, Fowey, Plymouth
3947Flood defence : long term plans 2001/02-2010/11 programme
3948An investigation into the water quality of the River Waldon during wet weather
3949A history of the By Brook
3950A report on the 1993 strategic stock assessment survey of the Eamont catchment with particular reference to salmonid fish