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6876Analysis of bacteriological contamination and accumulation of metals and organics in the mussel (Mytilus edulis)
6877Herbarium Image: Trillium grandiflorum
6878Herbarium Image: Potamogeton gramineus
6879Transport velocities in Lincoln division : streams I report
6880Herbarium Image: Parnassia palustris var. condensata
6881The Swale, Ure and Ouse catchment (river factfiles)
6882Old Bedford incorporating the Middle Level and Ouse Washes : first annual review - May 1999
68831994/95 corporate plan : submission by Southern region : our forward look for 1994/95 - 1995/96
6884Data from laboratory analysis at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6885Welland and Nene Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1997/98
6886Foot and Mouth Disease Epidemic. Disposal of culled stock by burial : guidance and reference data for the protection of controlled waters
6887Lower River Colne : draft catchment management plan
6888Gipping/Stour catchment management plan : consultation report summary
6889An appraisal of the options for the structure of the water resources function in Thames Region NRA
6890Approved budget 1993/94
6891River Taw : habitat rehabilitation 1992
6892Software profile : a user manual for AWSTAGE
6893Sialis lutaria and Sialis fuliginosa,
6894Triaenodes bicolor larva,
6895Alleviating low flows in rivers
6896Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 15
6897Getting afloat in the Midlands : a guide to using waterways in the region
6898Chlorophyll a : SCA method revision (395/2/A) : draft project report
6899An investigation into ammonia levels in Weston Mill Lake, Devonport
6900The River Ogmore catchment management plan : action plan