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376River catchments and county boundaries in England and Wales
377NRA 1995/96 annual conservation, access and recreation report [regional reports]
378Turbidity and plant growth in large slow-flowing lowland rivers. Progress Report: October 1989- March 1990
379The greening of Grasmere: its plankton periodicity in 1988
380Safety guidelines for water quality fieldwork
381Annual review of fisheries : 1st April 1990 - 31st March 1991
382Dee stock assessment programme : annual report 1993
383National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 4 : the Thames to Selsey Bill
384A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : metals industry processes
385River Flow Indexing using benthic macroinvertebrates
386Policy and practice for the protection of floodplains
387National Rivers Authority 1993/94 corporate plan and forward look to 1996/97 : summary
388Past achievements, present activities, future vision : annual review and summary accounts 1994-95
389Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1996
390Proposed scheme of charges in respect of discharges to controlled waters
391Water quality fact file 4/9
392Impact of sediment regime on salmonids
393Proposals to extend MCERTS to continuous ambient air-quality monitors
394Herbarium Image: Lobelia dortmanna
395Herbarium Image: Lycopodiella inundata
396Herbarium Image: Sparganium emersum
397Herbarium Image: Juncus bulbosus
398Blue-green algal monitoring 1995-1997
399Proposed scheme of abstraction charges 1993-94
400Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1997 : executive summary