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151Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment: Phase II
152Impact of groundwater abstractions on river flows
153Use of airborne remote sensing to assist with industrial site monitoring risk assessment and detection of change : final draft
154Guidance on the assessment and interrogation of subsurface analytical contaminant fate and transport models (NC/99/38/1)
155Impact Assessment on Wetlands: Focus on Hydrological and Hydrogeological Issues: Technical Summary
156A report on the 1992 strategic stock assessment survey of the upper Eden catchment with particular reference to salmonids
157Progress Report June 1990
158Genetics and the management of the Atlantic salmon
159Trent licensing policy review : draft final report
160A strategic approach to the consideration of environmental harm
161Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : impact assessment of effluent discharges on receiving waters
162Environment Agency guidelines for identifying environmental improvements qualifying for AMP3 investment
163Water resources development strategy : review of public water supply yields. Supplementary report no. 2
164Ponds in Partnership Phase 1 Final Report: Establishing the Framework for the National Pond Monitoring Network
165Water bill : impact on agriculture : briefing
166Strategic Risk Assessment: Further Development And Trials
1672020 Vision Series No. 2 PVC and sustainability
168A guide to environmental forecasting at the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
169A guide to options appraisal
170A guide to risk analysis at the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
171A guide to the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
172Air quality and the environment
173Environmental impact assessment in relation to water resources authorisations : guidance on the requirements and procedures
174National water resources strategy : comparative environmental appraisal of strategic options : volume 2 : appendices
175Bank erosion on navigable waterways Draft R and D Note (336/2/T)