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5876State of the environment 2001 : the Environment agency's contribution to a better environment in the South East
5877State of the environment 2003 : the Environment Agency's assessment of the environment in South East England
5878State of the Environment 2006 : the Environment Agency's assessment of the environment in South East England
5879Treatment processes for ferruginous discharges from disused coal workings : progress report for period April - June 1992
5880Alleviating low flows in rivers
5881River Chess, River Misbourne fact file
5882River Colne fact file
5883River Misbourne alleviation of low flows : progress report
5884Grand Union canal (Aylesbury arm) fisheries survey 1992
5885Lincshore '97 : a strategy for the Lincolnshire coast
5886Lincshore '97 : an environmental statement
5887Health effects of sea bathing (EH 9021). Phase 3 studies in 1991 : interim report April 1991 to March 1992 (Interim)
5888Health effects of sea bathing (WMI 9021) - Phase III final report to the Department of the Environment
5889Herbarium Image: Bolboschoenus maritimus
5890Herbarium Image: Bolboschoenus maritimus
5891Herbarium Image: Bolboschoenus maritimus
5892Herbarium Image: Hippocrepis comosa
5893Herbarium Image: Juncus gerardii
5894Herbarium Image: Juncus gerardii
5895Herbarium Image: Juncus maritimus
5896Herbarium Image: Juncus maritimus
5897Herbarium Image: Oenanthe lachenalii
5898Herbarium Image: Sherardia arvensis
5899Herbarium Image: Egeria sp.
5900Herbarium Image: Alisma plantago-aquatica