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1026Triglochin palustre
1027Triglochin palustris
10281967 - IBP Lake George, Uganda - starting to build the bedroom block
10291966 - The IBP compound when the team first arrived at Lake George in December 1966.
1030Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Defra project number AC0116
1031Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in County Down, 2012-13
1032Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Midlothian, 2012-13
1033Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in County Down, 2012
1034Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Fertiliser experimental site in County Down, 2011
1035Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Fertiliser experimental site in East Lothian, 2011
1036Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Fertiliser experimental site in Bedfordshire, 2011
1037Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Ceredigion, 2011-12
1038Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in Ceredigion, 2013
1039Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Fertiliser experimental site in Ceredigion, 2013
1040Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Norfolk, 2011-12
1041The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable and grassland. Defra project number NT2605
1042The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Norfolk, 2004
1043Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Defra project number AC0111
1044Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Oxfordshire, 2010-11
1045Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Oxfordshire, 2010
1046Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Cambridgeshire, 2010-11
1047Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Cambridgeshire, 2009
1048Cryptosporidium parvum
1050Cygnus olor