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2977Herbarium Image: Elodea sp.
2978Herbarium Image: Hydrocotyle vulgaris
2980Manure application dates: AC0111, Oxfordshire, 2010-2011
2981Herbarium Image: Potamogeton natans
2982Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2008
2983Soil moisture data: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2008
2984Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2007
2985Groundwater quality : a framework for improved monitoring
2986Barnstaple flood plan : public information leaflet
2987Review of water company drought plans : a report to government
2988A Review of the Application of
2989Species Management in Aquatic Habitats Compendium of Project Outputs - Species Action Plans and Management Guidelines
2990Nutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I)
2991Kephyrion boreale
2992Recreational Water Quality Objectives and Standards: Phase 1 - Data collection, presentation and recommendations
2993The Environment Agency's risk portfolio. Version 3.0 Final Report
2994The Feasibility of Charging for Planning Application Consultations - Final Report
2995Herbarium Image: Polystichum lonchitis
2996Assessing water quality : General Quality Assessment (GQA) scheme for biology (Bilingual Welsh)
2997NRA programme for the monitoring of water quality Parts 1 to 3 - November 1994
2998The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : annual report April 1998 - April 1999
2999Ecology and the Water Framework Directive