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3176Brachycentrus subnubilus eggs
3177Athripsodes aterrimus
3178Agapetus fuscipes pupae
3179Herbarium Image: Eleocharis quinqueflora
3180Guide to the operation and management of the assessment information management system (AIMS)
3181Analogue (nutrient), YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demontration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk F in 2014
3182Bewdley flood alleviation scheme : your questions answered
31831967 - George Ganf completing the end wall of the living room with its new roof complete.
31841967 - The bedroom block almost ready for the IBP team to move in.
3185The effects of fishing at low water levels
31861967 - George and Gideon cutting mbati for the bedroom block.
31871966 IBP Team Training in a boat on Esthwaite Water
3188Diagnostic Drawing: Entophysalis,
31891967 - Building the bedroom block in the IBP compound at L. George
3190Herbarium Image: Apium inundatum
31911967 - Quackers launched onto Lake George.
3192An overview of the IBP compound when building was finished (generator located in disused house in front).
31931967 - Singh's men building the extension block in the IBP compound.
3194Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Bromine in Fresh and Marine Waters
31951967 - Quakers arriving on the shore of L.George.
3196Herbarium Image: Agrostis canina
3197Dioxin Markers Feasibility Study
3198Stanmoor Bank : feasibility study and appraisal report. Part 2: Alternative scheme options. Vol 1 : main report
3199First annual review of the Taw/Torridge estuary catchment management plan (1996)
3200Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: NT26, Devon, 2004