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4551Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : Thames Region appendix
4552YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk D in 2011
4553YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk B in 2011
4554River lamprey,
4555After the flood : 50 years of inland flood protection in East Anglia
4556Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Monitoring Kiosk B
4557Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Weather Station 2
4558Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Monitoring Kiosk D
4559Monitored water temperature, pH value and dissolved oxygen concentration at Burracott, Neet catchment
4560Monitored river turbidity, Caudworthy water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
4561Optical Biomass Sensor
4562Herbarium Image: Carex acutiformis
4563Monitored flow rate, Caudworthy water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
4564Monitored pH values, Caudworthy water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
4565The release of ammonium and phosphorus from the sediments of the River Ant and Barton Broad : interim report
4566Monitored dissolved oxygen concentration, Caudworthy water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
4567Routine laboratory water sample data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk A
4568Monitored rainfall data at Burracott, Neet catchment
4569Analogue (nutrient), YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demontration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk E in 2011
4570Impact of groundwater abstractions on river flows
4571Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Study Site and Microcosm Layout
4572Use Of Pattern Recognition To Identify The Source Of An Oil Spill On An Inland Water
4573Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Emergence Trap
4574Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Enhanced Surface Area Substrate Sampler (ESAS)
4575Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Water Column Sampler