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5326Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
5327National Rivers Authority (Thames Region) : Bridge Mill, Wheathampstead, survey and analysis of culverts
5328The Status of Headwater Stream Fish Populations and their Tolerance to Low-Level Habitat Degradation
5329The Trophic Diatom Index: A User's Manual;
5330Transport velocities in Lincoln division : streams I report
5331Transport velocities in Lincoln division streams : II diagrams
5332An investigation into the water quality of a treated effluent from Hambleton Dairy, Todber, Dorset
5333Great Brook fisheries survey
5334A guide to monitoring water levels and flows at wetland sites
5335Candidate substances requiring Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)
5336Combined sewer overflow remedial strategy : South West Area report
5337Distribution of PCDDS an PCDFS in surface freshwater systems draft final report R and D Project 330
5338Ecological quality of water European technical workshop : 10 and 11 May 1995, Brussels. Report of discussions, findings and recommendations
5339Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module A: Economic Evaluation of Fishing Rights
5340Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module B: Indirect Economic Values Associated with Fisheries
5341Economic evaluation of inland fisheries: The economic impact of freshwater angling in England and Wales
5342Effectiveness Of Cost Recovery Charging
5343Environmental quality standards to protect identified uses of controlled waters - fisheries uses
5344Pesticides in major aquifers (Report 17)
5345The Colne Barrier 1999
5346Protection of the Water Environment using Balancing Facilities
5347Surface water yield assessment (Phase II) (414/2/N) : interim report
5348The Effect of Atrazine Exposure on the Timing of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Smolt Emigration
5349Fish health indices as a marker of surface water quality (229/2/A)
5350Report of joint foresight seminar : University of Hull Dennison Centre, 5th January 1995