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2377Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : draft final report : appendices
2378Herbarium Image: Hippuris vulgaris
2379Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0213, Devon, 2010
2380Water conservation planning in the USA : meeting organised by the Environment Agency and CIWEM, 14th June 1996, CBI
2381Polycentropus flavomaculatus larva,
2382The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : general leaflet
2383Pow Beck Automatic Weather Station
2384Fertiliser application dates: AC0116, Bedfordshire, 2011
2386Toxicity-Based Consents Pilot Study
2387Herbarium Image: Lythrum portula
2388Integrated environmental audit of ICI Chemicals and Polymers Limited, Runcorn, 3-9th July 1997 : audit report
2389Intelligent system for water resources licence determination
2390Natural Attenuation Of Petroleum Hydrocarbons And Chlorinated Solvents In Groundwater
2391Herbarium Image: Iris pseudacorus
2392Project management and the scheme of delegation : a summary guide : April 1995
2393The groundwater regulations (Bilingual) : Rheoliadau dwr daear (Bilingual)
2394Working plan guidance and specifications volume 1 : waste management licences
2396Survey of physical characteristics of salmon spawning riffles in the river North Tyne
2397Ergasilus sieboldi in pike gills,
2398Beetle Larva
2399Volvax aureus,
2400Hayling Island North strategy : consultation document for preferred coastal defence options, September 2005