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2626Eden, Esk and Solway : environmental overview : September 1999
26271995 environmental report : annexes : NRA internal environmental policy
2628Annual N2O measurements and associated data: NT26, Norfolk, 2004
2629Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) catchment management plan : first annual review February 1995 - April 1996
2630East Looe EC bathing water directive failures (1990 to 1997)
2631Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Devon, 2013
26321996 Hit Lists, Final Draft PARCOM Low Load Hit List
2633Restoring and Managing Riparian Woodland
2634Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0116, Bedfordshire, 2011
2635Salmon in the Dee catchment: the scientific basis for management
2636Sea lamprey life cycle,
2637Dragonfly larva
2638Changes in the phosphorus content of the sediment of Esthwaite Water and water quality in response to a decreasing input of sewage-borne phosphorus
2639Herbarium Image: Monostroma sp.
2640Pesticides in the aquatic environment : regional data appendix : prepared by the National Centre for Toxic and Persistent Substances (TAPS)
2641Radiological assessment of radioactive waste disposal from non-nuclear premises in Anglian region. Vol. 1 : methodology
2642The Influence of Variations in Flow on General Quality Assessment of Rivers
2643Stratification in the Severn Estuary- Physical aspects and biological consequences
2644Soil moisture data: AC0116, Norfolk, 2011-2012
2645Annual classification of river water quality 1990
2646Herbarium Image: Cyperus sp.
2647Triaenodes bicolor larva,
2648Herbarium Image: Elodea canadensis
2649Weather data: SLURRY-NR, Devon, 2004
2650Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: SLURRY-NR, Devon, 2004