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2801Soil moisture data: AC0116, East Lothian, 2011
2802Weather data: AC0213, Devon, 2010-2011
2803Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Ceredigion, 2011-2012
2804Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Ceredigion, 2013, urine
2805Syngenta Pond Physchem Data (2004)
2806Fertiliser application dates: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2008
2807Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0111, Cambridgeshire, 2010-2011
2808Soil moisture data: AC0116, Ceredigion, 2011-2012
2809Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2008
2810Fertiliser application dates: AC0116, East Lothian, 2011
2811Weather data: AC0111, Cambridgeshire, 2010-2011
2812Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2008
2813Weather data: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2008
2814Fertiliser application dates: NT26, Devon, 2004
2815Background soil mineral nitrogen contents: AC0116, Hereforshire, 2012-13
2816Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: NT26, Devon, 2004
2817Syngenta Pond Invertebrate Data (2003)
2818Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, East Lothian, 2011
2819Herbarium Image: Lobelia dortmanna
2820Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period May 1992 - July 1992
2821Aquifer Parameters Manual for Geology Present in Scotland - Phase 1
2822(3) The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales: The Permo-Triassic Sandstones Of Cumbria, North-West England;
2823(5) Review of the Enhanced Chemiluminescence (ECL) Test; (6) Standard Procedures for the Microtox Test System: Acute, Chronic, Solid-Phase and Mutatox Procedures; (7) Assessment of Chlorophyll Fluorescence as a Measure of Ecotoxicological Effect of Contam
2824(6) Review of dynamic models for catchmant and surface water acidification;
2825Assessment of Groundwater Recovery Times to Achieve Good Status: Tests for Technical Feasibility and Disproportionate Cost