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3601Herbarium Image: Potamogeton gramineus
36021994/95 corporate plan : submission by Southern region : our forward look for 1994/95 - 1995/96
3603River Taw : habitat rehabilitation 1992
3604Sialis lutaria and Sialis fuliginosa,
3605Triaenodes bicolor larva,
3606National Rivers Authority Thames Region fact files
3607Flood directory Kent
3608Shrewsbury flood alleviation scheme : options for the remaining areas of Shrewsbury : scoping report January 2002
3609River Axe Fish Study - Supplementary Report
3610Water resources for the future : a strategy for Wales (Bilingual) : Adnoddau dwr ar gyfer y dyfodol (Bilingual)
3611Lincolnshire Shoreline Management Plan : Stage 1 - summary
3612Environmental considerations and priorities in relation to rural seawall policies in Essex : a preliminary study of land use. Volume 1
3613Draft protocol for the derivation of Toxicity Based Consents
3614Variability of Pesticides in river water
3615River Erme catchment river water quality classification 1991
36161993/94 Annual conservation, access and recreation report
3617Study of ferruginous minewater impacts in Wales: phase 2a determination of remedial options: volume 1: main report
3618Redgrave and Lopham Fens restoration project : hydrological and environmental impact assessment. Final report
3619Assessing land-use scenarios to improve groundwater quality: a Slea catchment study
3620Groundwater-surface Water Interactions: A Survey of UK Field Site Infrastructure
3621Herbarium Image: Chara globularis
3622Hull and East Riding local environment agency plan : August 1998
3623Review of the findings of the prescribed flow at the Wallers Haven
3624Thames 21 - a planning perspective and a sustainable strategy for the Thames Region : September 1995
3625Herbarium Image: Plantago coronopus