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3726Managing water abstraction : towards a shared strategy : a consultation document for catchment abstraction management strategies
3727The use of air cooled blastfurnace slag as an unbound aggregate in the construction industry : BACMI/Environment Agency joint guidelines
3728The effects of ammonia in discharges from Hogsmill STW on the water quality of the River Thames at Teddington : Summer 1990 an update
3729Dinobryon divergens
3730Synthetic Aperture Radar: SAR
3731Reproductive structures from an acanthocephalan,
3732Survey of water resources modelling activities - 1st draft january 1991
3734National Rivers Authority annual report and accounts 1989/90
3735Phyllodistomum folium oral andamp; ventral suckers,
3736Electron Microscope Image: Lozenge and bristle scales of Mallamonas aereolata
3737Ephemeropteran Larva
3738River Mole derogation fisheries survey : Thames Metropolitan 1989
3739Monitored ammonium concentration at Ebble downstream, Hampshire Avon catchment
3740River Otter catchment river water quality classification 1991
3741Releases of natural radioactivity from British steel plants
3743Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, Warwickshire, 2013
3746Taeniopteryx nebulosa brittanica,
3747The flood of February 1990 : technical services flood monitoring report
3748Kephyrion boreale
3749State of the environment in the South West 2005
3750Ligula intestinalis,