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3876Catches of Brown Trout in the River Don
3877Conservation, biology and recreation annual report 1999-2000, North West (2000)
3878River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : second annual review : January 1998
3879Bioaccumulation of metals in the Thames Estuary
3880Rivers Idle and Torne catchment management plan : action plan : October 1996
3881Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Bittern Botaurus stellaris in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
3882Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) environment overview : June 1999
3883Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
3884Derbyshire Derwent : consultation report, February 1998
3885Environmental compliance audit of Glaxo Wellcome, Ulverston, Cumbria
3886Do you carry waste? How to register in South Wessex area
3887Environment Agency Southern region : Christmas floods 1999 volume one : performance review
3888Stock assessment review on the River Teign
3889Kent area local environment agency plan : September 1999
3890Biodiversity strategy and action plan for the Environment Agency (Thames Region)
3891Pesticides monitoring data report 1997 to 1999 : final draft report COR/99/035
3892Working together for the coast : catchment, shoreline and estuary management plans
3893Sid/Otter catchment management plan : first annual review
3894Biological water quality monitoring in the Midlands region
3895Hampshire and the Isle of Wight local contribution 2006/11
3896Brue and Axe : first annual review : July 1999
3897Annual committees report 2005/2006 : North West Region
3898Improving the environment in the West Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
3899Croal/Irwell LEAP environmental overview : October 1998
3900River Test Forum : 31.10.90