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4551Compliance audit of Lanstar Ltd
4552River Mirmram fact file
4553List of R and D outputs September 1989 to September 1995 : the National Rivers Authority's R and D programme
4554Kinetic handling training course
4555Cross border river basin districts and the Water Framework Directive
4556River Tamar catchment river water quality classification 1991
4557River Ancholme navigation
4558Southern region business plan 2001 / 2002
4559The development of biomanipulation techniques and control of phosphorus release from sediments (475/1/A) : LIFE project : restoration of the Norfolk Broads
4560Field validation of algal toxin test kit : final draft report March 1994 (349/8/A)
4561Iron and steel making processes
4562The application of toxicity-based criteria for the regulatory control of wastewater dicharges Response compendium March 1997
4563River Kennet catchment management plan : annual review 1994/95 Draft report
4564Sustaining our resources : Southern Region water resources development strategy : summary document
4565The Chemistry of Blended Cements and Backfills Intended for use in Radioactive Waste Disposal
4566The Occurrence of Sheep Dip Pesticides in Environmental Waters June 1997
4567The consideration of social issues in environmental impact assessments of Agency flood defence schemes
4568Upper Thames catchment management plan : consultation report summary leaflet : January 1995
4569Piling in layered ground: risks to groundwater and archaeology groundwater and archaeology
4570National Compliance Assessment Service annual report 1998/99
4571East Suffolk : consultation report : June 1997
4572Manure application dates: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2011-2012
4573Evaluation of AN analytical sensors ammonium probe for the grant\YSI 3800
4574Recreational byelaws : Anglian waterways
4575Ely Ouse - Essex water resource investigations : scoping study for Denver naturalisation