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7076Atmospheric inputs of pollutants to surface waters : interim report on trace organics in atmospheric deposition (015/4/T)
7077River Deben (Suffolk) pollution prevention project 2001/2
7078River Bourne system fisheries survey 1989-1990
7079The effect of the voluntary initiative on water quality
7080The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales - The Chalk Of Berkshire And The Chilterns
7081Desktop study of methods for the monitoring of particulate emissions from positively pressurised baghouses
7082Environmental protection final draft report - compliance assessment for EC Freshwater Fish Directive 1991
7083Environmental screening for the Merseyside objective 1 programme : environmental screening guidelines
7084Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 10
7085The NRA in business : annual review and summary accounts 1993-94
7086Discharges of waste under the EC titanium dioxide directives : report of the National Rivers Authority
7087Newton Abbot flood plan : public information leaflet
7088NRA flood defence strategy
7089Jaywick sea defence system
7090Protecting your future : tackling flooding in the Thames Estuary through the 21st century
7091Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 03
7092An Assessment of the Feasibility of Using DGT Procedures to Measure Trace Metals and Radionuclides in Rivers
7093Carnon valley update
7094Environmental statement for the River Wandle flood alleviation scheme contract one (C1)
7095Graphical representation of certain metals and organics concentrations versus flow rates for some of the rivers in Districts 3 and 6
7096Wheal Jane minewater study : environmental appraisal and treatment strategy
7097Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in the south west region 1989
7098Draft list of potential target contaminants of fish tissue : interim report (397/4/ST)
7099Report on the millennium chalk streams fly trends study : a survey carried out in 2000 among 365 fly fishermen, fishery owners, club secretaries and river keepers
7100Environmental Impacts of Alkylphenol Ethoxylates and Carboxylates. Part 1 Proposals for the Development of Environmental Quality Standards