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26East Looe EC bathing water directive failures (1990 to 1997)
27Bathing waters report 1989
28Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : project report : annex (data)
29Guidance on the Development of Typology and Classification Systems for Transitional and Coastal Waters
30Investigation into inputs in the Erme estuary and their effects on the bathing waters at Mothecombe
31Assessment of Groundwater Recovery Times to Achieve Good Status: Tests for Technical Feasibility and Disproportionate Cost
32Bathing water quality survey 1995
33Development of Hydromorphical Reference Conditions and Draft Classification Scheme for Transitional and coastal Waters - Work package 6b
34Development of Hydromorphical Reference Conditions and Draft Classification Scheme for Transitional and coastal Waters- Work package 8 Final report
35Development of Technique for Lake Habitat Survey (Phase 1- Design and Pilot Testing)
36Hydromorphological Improvements Targets for Scotland
37Hydromorphology of Tranisitional and Coastal Waters - Task 7 Data
38Management Strategies and Mitigation Measures Required to Deliver WFD for Impoundments: Volume 1 Preliminary Guidance Document
39Seaburn sewer survey II, 23-24 Ocotber 1991
40Use of diatoms for evaluating ecological status in UK freshwaters
41Nutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I)
42Ecology and the Water Framework Directive
43Bathing waters report 1990
44Managing river flows for salmonids: evidence-based practice. Pitlochry, 9-11th March 2010
45Seaburn sewer survey, 05-07 August 1991
46Motor fuel components: environmental occurrence and potential future risks
47Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) Regulations 1988 : interpretation and implementation
48A Refined Geomorphological and Floodplain Component
49Par EC bathing beach investigation 2000 : final draft report
50Adur and Ouse catchment abstraction management strategy : final strategy