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51Criteria for WFD Groundwater Good 'Quantitative Status' and a framework for the assessment of groundwater abstractions
52An investigation to find out why Holcombe Beach failed to comply with EC Bathing Waters Directive
53Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1995 : report of the National Rivers Authority
54Assessing land-use scenarios to improve groundwater quality: a Slea catchment study
55Aerial surveillance of fourteen estuaries in England and Wales
56EC bathing waters improvement strategy
57Paleolimnological Approaches to the WFD
58River basin planning and the Water Framework Directive
59Fish, fisheries and the Water Framework Directive
60Maenporth EC bathing beach additional monitoring data report : final report
61Crantock EC bathing beach additional monitoring data report : final report
62Investigation into the probable cause of the 1999 failure of the EC bathing waters directive at Seaton (Devon) beach (70210103) (2000)
63Porthluney (Caerhays) bathing water failures : final draft report - April 2000 - COR/2000/1
64Bathing waters report 1997
65Habitats Directive : review of consents : proformas for stages 1 and 2 : Roydon Common, Swangey Fen, Thompson Common
66Microbiological examination of coastal waters in the North West : summary of results 1998
67Valuing Water Use in Scotland and Northern Ireland for WFD Implementation Purposes
68Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
69St Agnes spore and dye survey 10/8/95 (draft)
70A Study of the Composition of Collected Household Waste in the United Kingdom - with particular reference to packaging waste
71Fish and the Ecological Assessment of Lakes and Rivers for the Water Framework Directive
72Marine case study 3 : phytoplankton dynamics : draft for discussion with project team
73Assessment of the Trophic Status of Rivers using Macrophytes - Evaluation of the Mean Trophic Rank
74Bathing waters report 1992
75Development of a Classification Scheme for the Marine Benthic Invertebrate Component, Water Framework Directive. Phase I and II - Transitional and Coastal Waters