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4976Mounts Bay catchment survey : final draft
4977Radiological assessment - Amersham plc (Cardiff site) variation application 2001
4978Catchment drainage studies and flood plain identification : Tipalt Burn and Painsdale Burn : section 105 - C30/92 surveys
4979Soil moisture data: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2011
4980Weather data: AC0213, Cambridgeshire, 2012
4981Scoping report for the proposed Beach Management Manual : draft final report (446/1/A)
4982The protection of East Anglian wetlands Phase 2 : review of BGS draft report. February 1995 (OI 558)
4983River Tamar catchment river water quality classification 1990
4984Focus on Biodiversity Update 2000
4985Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment: Phase II
4986Water resources for the future : a strategy for North East Region
4987Ecnomus tenellus,
4988Diplostomum spathaceum miracidium,
4989Euglena sanguinea,
4990Pow Ratten Row (Tel) rainfall QC Flags
4991Audit of 20 rehabilitation projects
4992Reach one River Tyne (right bank) : section 105 - C30/92 surveys
4993The Cuckmere River
4994The River Weaver : fact file
4995Fal Estuary TBT monitoring programme : 1997 baseline survey : tidal water quality
4996River Nar eutrophication studies : summary review of 1993 technical reports
4997River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : executive summary (OI/526/1/A)
4998The distribution of nutrients and phytoplankton in the North-East Irish Sea
4999Improved monitoring for surface water quality : the development of a manual of best practice
5000Pendower EC bathing beach : additional monitoring data report : final report